Das Beste Berichte

Vogel des Jahres 2000




From: Ohtonen Mika

White-billed Diver (Gelbschnabeltaucher) (Gavia adamsii): 1.6. Dragsfjaerd, Morgonlandet 2nd cy; 7.6. Kristiinankaupunki, Siipyy ad; total of spring 25 ex.

Great Northern Diver (Eistaucher) (Gavia immer): 17.6. Kittilae, Pallasjaervi (Lapland) ad

Great White Egret (Silberreiher) (Egretta alba): 1.6. Hyvinkaeae, Ridasjaervi 1; Liminka, temmesjokisuu 2; 6.6. Pyhaesalmi, Jokikylae 1;

Black Stork (Schwarzstorch) (Ciconia nigra): a total of 4 birds in June.

White Stork (Weissstorch) (Ciconia ciconia): a total of 50 birds in June; largest flocks being 15 at Saari on 10th and 9 at Kontiolahti on 12th June. A total of record spring about 247 birds.

Ruddy Shelduck (Rostgans) (Tadorna ferruginea): 12.6. Lumijoki, Sannanlahti 1 and 20.6. Siikajoki, Tauvo 1.

American Wigeon (Nordamerikanische Pfeifente) (Anas americana): two males: 5.5.-22.6. Lappenranta, Kaislanen and 4.-6.6. Hankasalmi, Raeaesy.

Surf Scoter (Brillenente) (Melanitta perspicillata): One record from inland: 6.6. Kuopio, Itkonniemi male.

Griffon Vulture (Gaensegeier) (Gyps fulvus): Still at Korppoo-Nauvo archipelago, seen intermittently on 6.-11.6. and on 29.6.-2.7. by numbers of observers.

Steppe Eagle (Steppenadler) (Aquila nipalensis): subad at Kuusamo, Oulanka 14.6.

Great-spotted Eagle (A.clanga): five recorded, the most popular being a 3cy bird at Viitasaari, Heinae-Suvanto 11.-22.6.

Lesser-spotted Eagle (A.pomarina): 1.6. Heinola, Tuusjaervi and 9.6. Ylaemaa, Vaekevaenjaervi 1.

Short-toed Eagle (Schlangenadler) (Circaeetus gallicus): 21.6. Hanko, Taektom 1.

Black Kite (Schwarzmilan) (Milvus migrans): at least 10 recorded during the month, a total of spring 40 birds.

Pallid Harrier (Steppenweihe) (Circus macrourus): 2.6. Virolahti ad male and 3.6. Kuopio 3cy male. A total of record spring 42 birds. One displaying pair at Lieksa in late May.

Montagu's Harrier (Wiesenweihe) (C.pygargus): 15 recorded during the month; a total of record spring at least 72 birds.

Red-footed Falcon (Rotfussfalke) (Falco vespertinus): 6 recorded during June, a total of spring very high 37 birds.

Little Crake (Kleines Sumpfhuhn) (P.parva): poor years contind in 2000, only 3 birds heard displaying: 27.5.-1.6. female at Koeylioe, Vinnari, 9.-12.6. female at Parikkala, Siikalahti and 11.-16.6. male at Tuusula, Tuusulanjaervi.

Quail (Wachtel) (Coturnix coturnix): A record number since late May: at least 180 singing males heard! Also record numbers of Corncrakes (Wachtelkoenig) (Crex crex) reported.

Stone Curlew (Triel) (Burhinus oedicnemus): 17.-24.6. Mikkelin mlk, Rahula. Twitchable only on its last day!

Marsh Sandpiper (Teichwasserlaeufer) (Tringa stagnatilis): 11 recorded during June; a total of April-June 40 birds.

Sandwitch tern (Sterna sandvicensis): 3 at Kirkkonummi, Porkkala and 1 at Porvoo, Emasalo on 1st; 1 at Hanko, Vedagrundet on 20th.

White-winged Black Tern (Weissflgel-Seeschwalbe) (Chlidonias leucopterus): 18.-22.6. Hyvinkaeae, Ridasjaervi ad. A total of 6 recorded during May-June is a new record.

Snowy Owl (Schnee-Eule) (Nyctea scandiaca): 20 recorded from North Finland, no breeding records.

European Bee-eater (Bienenfresser) (Merops apiaster): one at Hanko, Tulliniemi on 1st June.

Hoopoe (Wiedehopf) (Upupa epops): one at Naantali on 10th was the only recorded during the month.

Kingfisher (Eisvogel) (Alcedo atthis): one at Vaertsilae until the month's end and one at Vantaa, Kiila on 23rd were the only ones.

Oriental Cuckoo (Hopfkuckuck) (Cuculus saturatus): The famous displaying bird at Lieksa, Savijaervi was much admired during the month, also by several foreign birders. This was it's third summer in a row on the area. It was still singing there on 2nd July.

Crested Lark (Haubenlerche) (Galerida cristata): 27.6.-3.7. Uusikaupunki, Satama

Short-toed Lark (Kurzzehenlerche) (Calandrella brachydactyla): 22.6. Lieksa, Koli.

Citrine Wagtail (Zitronenstelze) (Motacilla citreola): Seven birds recorded: 1.6. Kotka, Hovinsaari male (bred with Yellow Wagtail (Schafstelze)), 7.6. Pori, Yyteri 2 males, 13.6. Pori, Teemuluoto male and 22.6. Hanko, Taektom male. A male also bred at Helsinki and Kaarina with female Yellow Wagtails (Schafstelze). A total of spring 16 birds.

Grey Wagtail (Gebirgsstelze) (Motacilla cinerea): A record number of 20 seen during the spring (17 of them in June). Breeding pairs at least in Jaemsae, Kuusamo, Kittilae and Salla.

Red-rumped Swallow (Roetelschwalbe) (Hirundo daurica): 1.6. Hanko, Tulliniemi. The fourth for the spring.

Savi's Warbler (Rohrschwirl) (Locustella luscinioides): 5 recorded during the month: 29.5.-21.6. Hollola, 11.-21.6. 2 at Parikkala, 9.-18.6. Hauho and 21.-24.6. Siuntio. A total of the spring 8 singing males.

Lanceolated Warbler (Strichelschwirl) (Locustella lanceolata): 12 singing males recorded during late June and one new bird found this morning (a record number, in normal years most of the birds are found later in July): 22.6. Vaertsilae, Selkaekylae; 23.-25.6. Vaertsilae, Patsola; 23.-30.6.Lieksa, Maetaesvaara; 24.6.-2.7. Luoto, Stroemsholm; 25.6. Outokumpu, Laikanlahti; 26.6. Joensuu, Noljakka; 26.6.-2.7. Joroinen, Tahkoranta; 26.-27.6. Kitee, Huikkola; 28.-29.6. Saarijaervi, Kalmari; 29.-30.6. Hailuoto, Poellaentie; 30.6. Hailuoto, Ojakylae; 30.6. Kiuruvesi, Niemisjaervi; 3.7. Raeaekkylae, Jaama. The bird in Vaertsilae, Patsola is singing on the very same field where the Booted Warblers (Buschspoetter) are breeding!

Paddyfield Warbler (Feldrohrsaenger) (Acrocephalus agricola): 10.6. Tohmajaervi, Peijonniemenlahti 1 singing bird seen by one lonely observer.

Booted Warbler (Buschspoetter) (Hippolais caligata): Several singing birds (5-6) 10.-25.6. at Vaertsilae, Patsola (at least 2-3 females, 1-2 confirmed breeding attempts; for the first time in Finland and western Europe!); 11.-13.6. Puolanka, Lylykylae 1 singing male; 21.6. Raeaekkylae, Oravilahti 1 singing male and 23.-25.6. Saari, Selaenne 2 singing males.

Western Bonelli's Warbler (Berglaubsaenger) (Phylloscopus bonelli): one singing at Hanko, Vapaasatama 17.-24.6., also tape-recorded and trapped during its stay. The first record for Finland (there are one record of Eastern B.W and two records of Western/Eastern B.W.)

Red-flanked Bltail (Blauschwanz) (Tarsiger cyanurus): about 15 singing males recorded, most of them at regular sites at Kuusamo.

Penduline Tit (Beutelmeise) (Remiz pendulinus): one pair bred succesfully at Kotka, Hovinsaari: 24.6. at least 2ad and 6 juvenils were seen.

Lesser Grey Shrike (Schwarzstirnwrger) (Lanius minor): 9 recorded from 30.5. onwards, including two together (probably a pair) at Uusikaarlepyy on at least 25.-26.6.

Serin (Girlitz) (Serinus serinus): Only one recorded: female at Hanko, Tulliniemi 10.6. (A total of the spring 8 birds, no long-staying singing birds at all)

Rose-coloured Starling (Rosenstar) (Sturnus roseus): A record 7 during the spring: 25.5. Lemland, Lågskaer; 26.5. Korppoo, Jurmo; 8.-9.6. Hanko, Hangonkylae; 9.6. Koeylioe, Vinnari; 14.-15.6. Pihtipudas, Ilosjoki; 17.-19.6. Sotkamo, Rimpilaenniemi and 23.-25.6. Hailuoto, Jaerventaus.

Yellow-breasted Bunting (Weidenammer) (Emberiza aureola): Only 5 birds reported during the month, one of them twitchable: singing male 16.-20.6. at Iisalmi, Peltosalmi.

Mika Ohtonen and Annika Forsten/Lintutiedotus

Martin Helin Rissa Solutions Oyj,

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