Vogel des Jahres 2001
German Bird of the Year 2001
A pretty calm period. The major event was the invasion of Pine Grosbeaks (Hakengimpel) , Pinicola enucleator, just 2 years after the last one.
Great Northern Loon (Eistaucher), Gavia immer (svartnaebbad islom)
1 w Simrishamn (Scania) 7.11, 1 Busoer (Halland) 12.11, 1 Lake
Glaapen (Vaestmanland) 1-13.11, 1 s Baaden (Oeland) 15.11, 1 Busoer
(Halland) 25-26.11, 1 Baastad (Scania) 1.12, 1 Tofta (Gotland) 17.12.
Yellow-billed Loon (Gelbschnabeltaucher), Gavia adamsii (vitnaebbad islom)
1 Oestergarn (Gotland) 7.11, 1 Roennskaers udde (Uppland) 10.11, 1
northern tip of Oeland 18.11, 1 Revsudden (Smaaland) 18.11, 1 Glaapen
(Vaestmanland) 3-11.12.
Leach's Storm-petrel (Wellenlaeufer), Oceanodroma leucorhoa (klykstjaertad stormsvala)
1 Roeroe (Bohuslaen) 11.11, 1 Hoenoe (Bohuslaen) 11.11.
European Shag (Kraehenscharbe), Phalacrocorax aristotelis (toppskarv)
1 Busoer (Halland) and 1 Gubbanaesan (Halland)the whole period.
Red-breasted Goose (Rothalsgans), Branta ruficollis (roedhalsad gaas)
1 southern Oeland -12.11, 1 Vanneberga area (Scania) 18-30.11
Long-tailed Duck (Eisente), Clangula hyemalis (alfaagel)
High count: 20 380 towards south at Segerstad (Oeland) 7.11.
Glaucous Gull (Eismoewe), Larus hyperboreus (vittrut)
1 1y Bro (Uppland) 3.12, 1 3y Glommen (Halland) as usual, will stay
this winter also probably. 1 Gnien (Vaestmanland) 7.12.
Mediterranean Gull (Schwarzkopfmoewe), Larus melanocephalus (svarthuvad maas)
1 ad Nykoeping (Soedermanland) 20-29.11.
Little Gull (Zwergmoewe), Larus minutus (dvaergmaas)
High count: 3309 Segerstad (Oeland) and 1050 Faludden (Gotland) 7.11.
Sabines Gull, Larus sabini (taernmaas)
1 1y Busoer (Halland) 13-19.11.
Great Skua (Skua), Catharacta skua (storlabb)
1 Ripagaarden (Scania) 11.11, 1 Glommen and Busoer (Halland) 14.12.
Barn Owl (Schleiereule), Tyto alba (tornuggla)
1 Ottenby (Oeland) 3.11.
Great Grey Owl (Bartkauz), Strix nebulos (lappuggla)
Seen irregularly at Skummesloevstrand (Halland) in October and from
the beginning of November to December, same specimen as during last
summer. Still there today, 21.12.
Northern Hawk Owl (Sperbereule), Surnia ulula (hoekuggla)
(rare in southernmost Sweden)
1 Svaloev (Scania) 28.11-17.12, 1 Esmared-Hilleshult (Halland) 16.12.
Brunnich's Murre, Uria lomvia (spetsbergsgrissla)
1 Gubbanaesan (Halland) 8.11.
Eurasian Hoopoe (Wiedehopf), Upupa epops (haerfaagel)
1 Umeaa (Vaesterbotten) 9.11.
Water Pipit (Bergpieper), Anthus spinoletta (vattenpiplaerka)
1 Groethoegarna (Scania) 31.10-16.12, 1 Kaempinge (Scania) 4-10.11, 1
Ripagaarden (Scania) 11.11, 1 Aahus (Scania) 12-18.11, 1 Bingsmarken
(Scania) 14.11, 1 Haallsund (Bohuslaen) 18.11, 1-2 Oertofta (Scania)
18.11-17.12, 1 Utlaengan (Blekinge) 4-19.11+15.12, 1 Tjurpannan
(Bohuslaen) 25-26.11, 1 Grytskaer (Scania) 20.12.
DESERT WHEATEAR (Wuestensteinschmaetzer), Oenanthe desert (oekenstenskvaetta)
1 m Glommens sten (Hl) 5.11, 1 f Tjurpannan (Bohuslaen) 25-26.11, 1 m
Forsmark (Uppland) 26.11.
Lesser Whitethroat (Klappergrasmuecke), Sylvia curruca ssp.
1 bird of one of an eastern "desert" race at Landsort (Soedermanland) 20-26.11.
Pallas's Leaf Warbler (Goldhaehnchen-Laubsaenger), Phylloscopus proregulus (kungsfaagelsaangare)
1 Digran (Gotland) 6.11, 1 Skummesloevsstrand (Halland) 11.11, 1
Hittarp, Helsingborg (Scania) 13.11.
Yellow-browed Warbler (Gelbbrauen-Laubsaenger), Phylloscopus inornatus (taigasaangare)
1 Uddevalla (Bohuslaen) 6.11, 1 Skummesloevsstrand (Halland) 11.11.
Hume's leaf Warbler (Tienschan-Laubsaenger), Phylloscopus humei (bergstaigasaangare)
1 Skummesloevsstrand (Halland) 11.11 (nice set of Phylloscopus here this day).
Firecrest (Sommergoldhaehnchen), Regulus ignicapillus (brandkronad kungsfaagel)
1 m Skummesloevsstrand (Halland) 9.11.
Lesser Grey Shrike (Schwarzstirnwuerger), Lanius minor (svartpannad toernskata)
1 1y Hoerle damm (Smaaland) 17.12.
Little Bunting (Zwergammer), Emberiza pusilla (dvaergsparv)
1 Oertofta (Scania) 6.12.
Two-barred Crossbill (Bindenkreuzschnabel), Loxia leucoptera (baendelkorsnaebb)
6-7 Degerberga (Scania) 17.11.
PINE GROSBEAK (Hakengimpel), Pinicola enucleator (tallbit)
The first flocks, a few small consisting of 4-5 birds occured around
4.10 in Uppland and Smaaland.
Then the major influx came, in the beginning of November, at the east coast:
760 Oerudden (Uppland) 10.11.
2100 Vaeddoe (Uppland) 11.11.
1181 Oerudden (Uppland) 11.11.
9 Strandskogen (Oeland) 11.11.
636 Oerudden (Uppland) 12.11.
1400 Utoe (Soedermanland) 12.11.
Still flocks of 25 and up to 100 in the middle of Sweden at the east coast (mainly in the provinces Uppland, Soedermanland and down to Smaaland) during the whole of December up to now.
In the end of November they reached southern Sweden;
17 at northern tip of Oeland 20.11.
79 Torhamn (Blekinge) 24.11 ( and 40 26.11, 34 3.12)
1 Getteroen (Halland) 24.11.
40 Utlaengan (Blekinge) 25.11.
10 Ronneby (Blekinge) 25.11.
7 Landoen (Scania) 25.11.
12 Nymoella (Scania) 26.11.
4 Edenryd (Scania) 26.11.
10 Sandhamn (Blekinge) 26.11.
21 Tosteberga (Scania) 26.11.
4 Varberg (Halland) 26.11.
60 Notoe, Paaskallavik (Smaaland) 2.12.
2 Tosteberga (Scania) 17.12.
1 Nymoella (Scania) 17.12.
I was at Nymoella, Tosteberga and Aahus 17.12, were birds were seen that day, and managed to see 1 (at Tosteberga). They are tricky; fairly shy and restless, and if you are not lucky to find them in a low Rowan tree (Sorbus aucuparia)(roenn) you have to look up in the canopy of Scots Pine (tall). I can send road descriptions to the southern localities to interested people.
Today, 21 Decmeber, there are reports from (place, date, time):
1 Oevre Bellmansgatan, Uppsala, Upl 21.12 8:40
6 Gaevle kommun, Gstr 21.12 18:09
11 Alderholmen, Gaevle, Gstr 21.12 18:09
21 Vaernamo, Sm 21.12 14:18
3 Bergsjoe, Hls 21.12 14:00
3 Vaernamo, Sm 21.12 13:47
7 rast Katrineholm, Srm 21.12 13:45
11 Falkoeping, Vg 21.12 13:14
1 Olsfors kyrka, Vg 21.12 13:00
3 Ljungby kyrka, Ljungby, Sm 21.12 13:00
25 Uppsala, Upl 21.12 13:00
40 Stockvik, spillvattenbaecken, Mpd 21.12 12:30
6 Aenggaardsbergen, Vg 21.12 11:00
1 Maelarhoejden, Srm 21.12 09:30
1 Fyrishovsbadet, Uppsala-omraadet, Upl 21.12 09:19
In the report system "Svalan" there are 873 reports between 1 October - 21 December, most observations are along the east coast and middle and southern Sweden, few observations on the west coast. See f.ex.maps @ < http://svalan.environ.se/rappsyst/dagens_tallbit1.asp >
POSSIBLE ESCAPES (Category D) or ESCAPES (Category E)
Sacred Ibis (Heiliger Ibis), Thresciornis aethiopicus (helig ibis)
1 1y was seen 15-17.12 at Lommarp (Scania), on a field at a farm.
As I have heard, the story goes;
In Germany 9 birds participated in an "freeflying experiment" at a
research institute, were they normally were kept in an enclosure.
But all 9 birds left ! Rumours say 1 was seen heading north, and the
others south. Most probable it is one of these birds that reached
Scania in Sweden, just on the other side of the Baltic Sea.
I think it is very unlikely that it is a bird from the breeding
populations in France and elsewere moving all the way up to Sweden in
December. Or even less unlikely; from Africa.
So this bird will most likely be placed in Cat. E (or maybe D) and
not counted on the official Swedish List (but many birders went for
it just to be on the safe side, the Rarities Committee has not
decided yet..).
Hooded Merganser (Kappensaeger), Mergus cucullatus (kamskrake)
1 m Virsbo (Vaestmanland) 6.11.
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